The Mentee’s Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You
by Lois Zachary with Lory Fischler
This volume offers a companion guide to the best-selling book The Mentor’s Guide. This practical book offers ideas and suggestions for making the most of a mentoring opportunity for the person being mentored.. The authors take the reader through the four phases of the mentoring process and offer advice on how to get the relationship started, establish agreements, sustain the relationship and bring it to closure. This is a valuable resource for any mentee whether in the nonprofit, corporate, or government sector.
“The Mentee’s Guide inspires and guides the potential mentee, provides new insights for the adventure in learning that lies ahead and underscores my personal belief and experience that mentoring is circular. Lois Zachary’s new book is a great gift.”
— Frances Hesselbein, Chairman and Founding President, Leader to Leader Institute