Services / Workshops

Cultural Competency

In order to truly leverage difference, individuals must understand the impact of difference in their own lives and on the lives of their colleagues and teams. To make the most of mentoring, mentors must develop greater understanding of how to bridge and adapt across differences that make a difference. 

This interactive workshop takes a deep look at cultural competency and introduces a valuable model and discusses how increased cultural competency can improve mentoring and leadership effectiveness. Participants will walk away with a useful tool for understanding difference and a strategy for increasing their own and organizational cultural competency. Participants will complete the Intercultural Development Inventory (“IDI”) in advance of the workshop. Following the workshop, each participant will receive a 30-minute one-on-one session with the facilitator to review their assessment results and create a personalized strategy to increase and practice their cultural competency.

Companies must be strategic and deliberate in making inclusion a reality. Successful efforts must be linked to overall business strategy, goals and real business results – and integrated with existing Talent acquisition and development efforts.

Has your company thought about how it will attract diverse talent and how it will train leaders to leverage diversity? Are your leaders able to understand and leverage difference? How are you developing a diverse set of future leaders?

We have learned from years of observation that successful leaders  and mentors know how to demonstrate inclusive behavior and help others do the same.

We can help you. We offer:

  • Help developing and implementing a Diversity and Inclusion strategy
  • Training and coaching around inclusion for leaders, mentors and teams
  • Awareness building and action planning around inclusion and cultural competency

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