12 “Must-Dos” for Mentoring Program Administrators and Managers
1. Be actively engaged in a mentoring relationship, or have had previous mentoring experience.
2. Make your own growth and development in the role a priority. Continue to grow your knowledge, information and resources so that you can bring energy and enthusiasm to your mentoring program.
3. Get the data collection process started early on and keep the momentum going.
4. Stay in contact with past participants. Find out how they are applying what they’ve learned, get their feedback on your program and consider them as possible future mentor candidates.
5. Always ask yourself, “What more can I be doing to raise the bar on our mentoring program?”
6. Be on the lookout for opportunities to creative value and visibility for mentoring. Make sure that your leaders are continuously updated on mentoring activities and successes.
7. Be selective in whom you choose to be your program mentors. Remember not everyone should be a mentor.
8. Provide your mentors with feedback so they can continue to elevate their mentoring practices.
9. Ensure time, resources, and leadership support are part of your program infrastructure.
10. Develop a leadership succession plan for the next leader of your mentoring program.
11. Make sure you have enough champions throughout the organization; creating a mentoring culture requires mentoring advocacy.
12. Create a continuum of mentoring education and training programs.